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296 misspelled results found for 'Tea Plate'

Click here to view these 'tea plate' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Royal Albert Tree Of Kashmir Plate teaplate

Royal Albert Tree Of Kashmir Plate Teaplate


£3.3004d 15h 16m
WOODS WARE Iris teaplate 17cm

Woods Ware Iris Teaplate 17Cm


£2.9404d 15h 34m
Bone china teacup, saucer, teaplate Wetley china Milan

Bone China Teacup, Saucer, Teaplate Wetley China Milan



Buy Bone china teacup, saucer, teaplate Wetley china Milan

4d 15h 42m
Hornsea Contrast Trios x 2, Teaplate, Cup and Saucer - EXCELLENT CONDITION

Hornsea Contrast Trios X 2, Teaplate, Cup And Saucer - Excellent Condition


£4.0004d 16h 26m
 Coalport/Wedgwood Countryware 3 X Saucers +1 Teaplate

Coalport/Wedgwood Countryware 3 X Saucers +1 Teaplate


£4.5004d 16h 49m
Hutschenreuther gold-banded Elite Peseta coffee/tea cup & saucer (NO teaplate!)

Hutschenreuther Gold-Banded Elite Peseta Coffee/Tea Cup & Saucer (No Teaplate!)



Buy Hutschenreuther gold-banded Elite Peseta coffee/tea cup & saucer (NO teaplate!)

4d 16h 52m
QV 1840 1d Penny Black (TE) Plate 4 Spec SG2 AS23 Red MX

Qv 1840 1D Penny Black (Te) Plate 4 Spec Sg2 As23 Red Mx



Buy QV 1840 1d Penny Black (TE) Plate 4 Spec SG2 AS23 Red MX

4d 20h 26m
QV 1841 1d Penny Red Imperforate (TA) Plate 17 SG8 Spec BS6 on cover Black MX

Qv 1841 1D Penny Red Imperforate (Ta) Plate 17 Sg8 Spec Bs6 On Cover Black Mx



Buy QV 1841 1d Penny Red Imperforate (TA) Plate 17 SG8 Spec BS6 on cover Black MX

4d 20h 27m
QV 1841 1d Red Imperforate (TE) Plate 81 SG8 BS29 on cover 1848 Fort William

Qv 1841 1D Red Imperforate (Te) Plate 81 Sg8 Bs29 On Cover 1848 Fort William



Buy QV 1841 1d Red Imperforate (TE) Plate 81 SG8 BS29 on cover 1848 Fort William

4d 20h 28m
QV 1867-80 1s Green large letters (TA) plate 6 SG117 on piece

Qv 1867-80 1S Green Large Letters (Ta) Plate 6 Sg117 On Piece



Buy QV 1867-80 1s Green large letters (TA) plate 6 SG117 on piece

4d 20h 29m

Seaforth Teaplate


£3.5004d 21h 32m
15 WARE MELMAC MELAMINE USA FLOWERS 6" x 7ea, 9 3/4" x 7ea plate, 13" platter

15 Ware Melmac Melamine Usa Flowers 6" X 7Ea, 9 3/4" X 7Ea Plate, 13" Platter



Buy 15 WARE MELMAC MELAMINE USA FLOWERS 6" x 7ea, 9 3/4" x 7ea plate, 13" platter

4d 22h 57m
Gardner Bender Saf-Te Plate Protectors 1-1/2? X 6? Box Of 50 Safety Plates

Gardner Bender Saf-Te Plate Protectors 1-1/2? X 6? Box Of 50 Safety Plates



Buy Gardner Bender Saf-Te Plate Protectors 1-1/2? X 6? Box Of 50 Safety Plates

5d 2h 13m
FP159-6 Saf-Te-Plate Protectors, 1 1/2 In. X 6 In. , 50Ct

Fp159-6 Saf-Te-Plate Protectors, 1 1/2 In. X 6 In. , 50Ct



Buy FP159-6 Saf-Te-Plate Protectors, 1 1/2 In. X 6 In. , 50Ct

5d 6h 48m
Aynsley bone china teaplate,used item,bone china England.

Aynsley Bone China Teaplate,Used Item,Bone China England.



Buy Aynsley bone china teaplate,used item,bone china England.

5d 11h 15m

Marks And Spencer Teaplate In Very Good Used Condition 16.5Cm


£3.7505d 14h 44m

Marks And Spencer 16.5Cm Harvest Teaplate In Excellent Condition


£3.7505d 14h 57m
Spode Tuscan Trio - cup, saucer & teaplate A48

Spode Tuscan Trio - Cup, Saucer & Teaplate A48



Buy Spode Tuscan Trio - cup, saucer & teaplate A48

5d 17h 24m
English Country Garden Violets TeaPlate & Matching Saucer Victoria China c1970

English Country Garden Violets Teaplate & Matching Saucer Victoria China C1970



Buy English Country Garden Violets TeaPlate & Matching Saucer Victoria China c1970

5d 18h 42m
Kaws  /4x teaplate boxed set/  Holiday Taipei 2019

Kaws /4X Teaplate Boxed Set/ Holiday Taipei 2019



Buy Kaws  /4x teaplate boxed set/  Holiday Taipei 2019

5d 18h 49m

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